Heads and representatives of justice inspection services from European Union countries will gather in Tirana on 24 and 25 June, 2022, invited by High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani to discuss the topic "Public interest in the administration of justice and independence of magistrates”. Magistrates of Inspection Services of Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Albania, through their presentations and discussions, will focus on the topic "Public interest in the administration of justice and the independence of magistrates" during three work sessions at the Presidential Palace in Tirana. This international conference is organized by the European Network of Justice Inspection Services (RESIJ) and the High Inspector of Justice, in cooperation with CEPEJ (Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania, SEJ III), with the support of the joint program of the European Union and Council of Europe "The Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022". The European Network of Justice Inspection Services (RESIJ) was established in 2017 and consists of inspection institutions from European Union countries with the support of the European Commission. The High Inspector of Justice has been an observer member of RESIJ since December 2021. The conference is part of RESIJ activities and representatives of inspection services, members of RESIJ, depending on the form of organization, functioning or competencies, will present and exchange their experiences, ideas and research related to the topics which will to be addressed at the conference. The conference has a dedicated page, within the official website of HIJ, which will cover all the information, with Albanian translation as well, and will be open to the media.
Posted | 22 June
Tirana International Conference of Justice Inspection Services 2022
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